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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: desembre, 2015


Els nens i les nenes de 4t A us feliciten el Nadal amb aquest poema. Que passeu unes bones festes... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR C is for the Candy trimmed around the Christmas tree. H is for the Happiness with all the family. R is for the Reindeer prancing by the window pane. I is for the Icing on the cake as sweet as sugar cane. S is for the Stocking on the chimney wall. T is the Toys under the tree so tall. M is for the pricly Mistletoe when you touch it. A is for the Angels who make up the Christmas list. S is for old Santa who makes the dreams come true. Be good and he'll bring you everything in your Christmas Alphabet.


Els nens i les nenes de 4t B us feliciten el Nadal amb aquest poema. Que passeu unes bones festes... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR C is for the Candy trimmed around the Christmas tree. H is for the Happiness with all the family. R is for the Reindeer prancing by the window pane. I is for the Icing on the cake as sweet as sugar cane. S is for the Stocking on the chimney wall. T is the Toys under the tree so tall. M is for the pricly Mistletoe when you touch it. A is for the Angels who make up the Christmas list. S is for old Santa who makes the dreams come true. Be good and he'll bring you everything in your Christmas Alphabet.